Downloading a Certified Secure Certificate

This topic provides in-detail instructions for the process of downloading a Certified Secure Certificate of an app built on Appdome.

For the Appdome Python library example refer to the snippet at the bottom.

The certificate is available in the following formats:

  • PDF
  • JSON

The scripts use several variables such as API_KEY, task_id, and TEAM_ID. Ensure that you update these parameters accordingly.

To download the PDF version, run the command below.

curl -X GET --header "Authorization: $API_KEY" \$task_id/certificate

To download the JSON version, run the command below.

curl -X GET --header "Authorization: $API_KEY" \$task_id/certificate-json

Appdome python library example

python3 --task_id <task_id_value> --certificate_output <output certificate pdf>

python3 --task_id <task_id_value> --certificate_json <certificate_json_output_file>