Add context to an app

The available overrides for the Context task are:

Key Name in Appdome Value Notes
icon_overlay Add Favicon Boolean Must use with icon_overlay_scale, icon_overlay_position, icon_overlay_filename

Must also add Form data icon_overlay_s3 with an icon file (see above)

icon_overlay_scale Scale Number between 20 and 50
icon_overlay_position Favicon Position ‘Top Right’, ‘Top Left’, ‘Bottom Right’, ‘Bottom Left’
customize_url_enable Private URL Boolean Must use with customize_url_value, customize_url_key.
customize_url_value Private URL Value String
customize_url_key Private URL Identifier String
app_customization_pack_bundle_version App Version String
app_customization_pack_bundle_identifier App Bundle ID String
app_customization_pack_bundle_display_name App Display Name String
app_customization_pack_bundle_build_number App Version Code Number
app_customization_key_value_list Custom Values JSON LifeCycle, Context
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