Build an app

This API allows you to Build a mobile app.
After uploading your app and getting the Application ID, you can now build it using an existing Fusion Set. fusion_set_id is required on action fuse (Build)
After building, all other task actions require parent_task_id.
The available overrides for the Build task are:

Key Name in Appdome Value Notes
user_agent User Agent Customization Boolean Must use with user_agent_value
user_agent_value User-Agent Header String
extended_logs Diagnostic Logs Boolean Only if enabled for the user.
extended_logs_gesture_via_http Tap to upload logs(iOS)/ Shake to upload logs(Android) Boolean Must use with extended_logs.
extended_logs_gesture_via_external_app Tap to email logs(iOS)/ Shake to email logs(Android) Boolean Must use with extended_logs.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!