Build an App/SDK

This API allows you to build and customize a mobile app or SDK after uploading your files and obtaining an Application ID.
Utilizing existing Fusion Sets, this endpoint initiates the build process.
After building, the task_id , referred to as the "Appdome Build ID," is required for all subsequent tasks related to this build.

How to Obtain the Application ID:

After successfully uploading your app to the Appdome platform, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the sidebar where your app is listed.
  2. The Application ID will be visible next to the app details, and you can copy it directly from there.
Key Name in Appdome Value Notes
user_agent User Agent Customization Boolean Must use with user_agent_value
user_agent_value User-Agent Header String
extended_logs Diagnostic Logs Boolean Only if enabled for the user.
extended_logs_gesture_via_http Tap to upload logs(iOS)/ Shake to upload logs(Android) Boolean Must use with extended_logs.
extended_logs_gesture_via_external_app Tap to email logs(iOS)/ Shake to email logs(Android) Boolean Must use with extended_logs.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!